[cea-b-01] Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Design Module: Introduction
Now that you have the results of CEA energy potential: photovoltaic (PV) panels simulation, how are you going to use them in your design? This module guides you through a series of topics regarding urban and architectural design with BIPV using CEA.
This CEA Lesson is under the BIPV Design Module required by the Designer Track.
1. What is BIPV?
We follow international definitions of “BIPV“ in the tech reports of the International Energy Agency (IEA):
“A BIPV module is a PV module and a construction product together, designed to be a component of the building. A BIPV product is the smallest (electrically and mechanically) non-divisible photovoltaic unit in a BIPV system which retains building-related functionality. If the BIPV product is dismounted, it would have to be replaced by an appropriate construction product.“
Fig.cea-b-01-01 presents Tribune de Paris, Renzo Piano Workshop, by Sergio Grazia.
2. What-is-included in this module?
We have included 7 CEA Lessons in this module. They are listed as follows. (Currently, we are building these lessons. They will be released and updated in the coming month.)
[cea-b-01] Module introduction
[cea-b-02] PV panels and where to place them 1: value for money?
[cea-b-03] PV panels and where to place them 2: materials and carbon intensity
[cea-b-04] Land uses and BIPV efficiency
[cea-b-05] BIPV and Building-Integrated Agriculture (BIA): harmony or rivalry?
[cea-b-06] BIPV in street canyons 1: the impact of trees
[cea-b-07] BIPV in street canyons 2: its impact on outdoor thermal comfort
We adivse you to go through these CEA Lessons in sequence as some of them are interdependent. They address design both at the building scale (i.e., architectural design) and the district scale (i.e., urban design). They address human-scale comfort both indoor and outdoor. Many of these CEA Lessons are based on the research output at the Chair of Architecture and Building Systems at ITA, D-Arch of ETH Zurich.
3. What-is-needed?
Each CEA Lesson may have different prerequisites. In general, all the CEA Lessons of this module require the following CEA files.
Check Folder: {Your Project} > {Your Scenario} > outputs > data > potentials > solar
Make sure such .csv files exist: {Building Name}_PV, PV_total_buildings, and PV_total
You may now proceed to CEA Lesson [cea-b-02].
4. Questions?
Encountering difficulties or having questions ? Proceed to the CEA Forum to post your questions. Your questions may be universal and can benefit other CEA users. Please include the Lesson Code [cea-b-01] when posting your question.