Join the CEA Community!

On this page, you can find 7 ways to be part of the CEA community for all.

1. Become a CEA user

The City Energy Analyst is open-source and free for all. You can download CEA for Win or CEA for Mac today.

2. Share your data (beta)

Wanna share your CEA data for your case study for widened exposure to your peers? Use this platform to let others to know, use, and share your work.

3. CEA Forum

We are building the CEA Forum for all CEA users to share their experiences, ask & answer questions, and more.

4. Work with us on GitHub

We are also active on GitHub. Head over and join the discussion now!

5. Make a plug-in

Like using the CEA but wish to have more custom functionalities? You should make a plug-in! Then, inform us so that we can promote it on the CEA plug-in page.

6. Contribute to the source code

We welcome everyone to contribute to the open-source development process!
You can follow this guide on how to contribute to the CEA.

7. Exploring CEA results without using CEA

This is a new endeavor from us. We aim to present CEA results in a digestible way for the general public to explore. We believe some of the CEA results are in the general public’s interest. Click here to know more.