Urban Building Energy Modeling
for Urban Design and Energy System Engineering with the Open-Source City Energy Analyst (CEA)

#Research #Teaching #Practice

What is CEA?

The City Energy Analyst (CEA) is an urban building energy modeling (UBEM) platform and one of the first open-source initiatives of computation tools for the design of low-carbon and highly efficient cities. The CEA combines knowledge of urban design and energy systems engineering in an integrated simulation platform. This allows to study of the effects, trade-offs and synergies of urban design scenarios and energy infrastructure plans. The CEA Team is committed to empowering researchers and practitioners to plan and design low-carbon cities.



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Image source: Z. Shi, J.A. Fonseca, A. Schlueter, A review of simulation-based urban form generation and optimization for energy-driven urban design, Build. Environ. 121 (2017) 119–129.

Multiple scales,
Multiple interfaces

Born in 2013 at ETH Zurich, the open-source CEA has enabled architects, urban designers and engineers worldwide to perform building energy simulations and conduct research on multiple scales from neighbourhoods to cities.

CEA engages a multi-interface strategy for modellers of various UBEM proficiencies. Our user-friendly CEA Dashboard could be easily picked up by users with no programming capacities. Researchers and software developers are advised to use the CEA Console/Command Line. Currently, the CEA Team is exploring the possibilities of introducing CEA on Web. Meanwhile, connections to Rhino/Grasshopper are possible.


CEA downloads

As of 21 May 2024, CEA was downloaded in at least 64 countries/regions.
The CEA Team is proudly calling 🇨🇭Zurich (CH) and 🇸🇬 Singapore (SG) home.



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